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作者:欧博发布时间:2024-04-21 00:42

two years back the Airtel,做得好, vibrant RealIndia - 8 hours ago -Follow Jio is better then Airtel and I use both,他们打着4G的幌子卖2G处事, Aadish Mehata - 8 hours ago -Follow Jio can beat the vodafone within 2 months Jio可以在2个月内击败沃达丰 kreya sana - 3 hours ago -Follow Why to worries..。

我算知道原因了 Sooraj - 4 hours ago -Follow Vodafone services has become miserable. Call drops network congestion snail speed many problems like. 沃达丰的处事更烂, 印度时报读者评论: 译文来历:三泰虎 外文:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com Abhishek - 10 hours ago -Follow Vodafone is robbing Indians for years. Glad that Jio is gaining ground in India! good prices。

甚至向用户收取特别用度, Idea, they are only playing bad corporate games to disrupt the competition. We have already migrated from 4 Jio numbers to me to Vodafone. Jio排名第二? ? ? ?Jio是全球最烂的。

电信行业也将在不久的未来破产,在差异的所在, Mudi - Gujriot - 6 hours ago -Follow Jio has the worst quality service. In the name of 4g they sell 2g. Speed varies so much depending on the location. Jio的处事质量是最差的,Jio让人感想沮丧,Airtel和沃达丰多年来一直在压榨我们感激Jio碾压了他们 Harsh Aggarwal - 6 hours ago -Follow Already the Jio network has started behaving like Airtel...buffering buffering bufferring. now i know the reason by reading this news article... Jio的网速开始变得像Airtel一样慢了,整个国度都受够Jio了, Skumar - Chennai - 7 hours ago -Follow when does ambani gonna jump into school business..? education has bcome heavy heavier heaviest load for middle class families.. 安巴尼什么时候会进军教诲规模?对付印度中产阶层家庭来说, requesting anonymity as he advises many telecom companies. 一位电信业阐明师暗示。

Ulhas - Navi Mumbai - 10 hours ago -Follow Great! Congrats Mukeshji! He's also made mobile telephony and data affordable and pocket friendly. 太棒了!恭喜安巴尼! 是他低落了话费和流量费,在诺伊达(位于新德里)都没信号, and it may just be a matter of few more quarters, , Facebook etc. There were no competition in the market. They formed a loot cartel to loot the customers. They deserves to be kicked out of the market altogether. Good that Jio came in. 两年前, Vivek Karambelkar - 5 hours ago -Follow Just like airlines telecom industry will also go bankrupt in near future due to very low prices. 就像航空公司一样, Mukesh Ambanis Reliance Jio has overtaken Bharti Airtel's subscriber base to emerge as the second-largest telecom company in the country. 新德里:在推出移动电话处事近两年半之后,我两个都用。

Iron - New Delhi - 10 hours ago -Follow

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